Friday 28 September 2012

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling. In this book the storyline becomes far darker with some of Harry’s secrets being revealed and more of his past and his conflict between Voldemort unfolds. For those who don’t know the Harry Potter series is about a boy who finds out he is actually a wizard and can attend a school for wizardry. From this he meets many other witches and wizards and goes through many adventures which slowly reveal his dark past and all the secrets surrounding his life.  

The language used in the book is quite descriptive with situations and characters being described thoroughly. This allows the reader to have a great understanding of what is happening and allows for them to paint a picture in their mind of the wizardry world. It is also written in third person who allows the reader to know exactly what the characters are feeling. This allows the viewer to relate and put themselves into the situation. It can also cause biases between characters they may have a liking for (which sets up for good vs. bad guy).  

The structure of the story is in chapters with each chapter presenting a new mini story/idea/ complication. All the chapters eventually build to the ending, which like in the past two books is a good versus bad guy even. In this installment it is between Harry and Sirius Black. The book is also ended knowing that there will be another book following, so it is never truly resolved due to the many unanswered questions.

This is a great read for people of all ages and would be a good book to just read to in front of the class because it is just so likable. Plus it is well written which would only assist students in their English ability.

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