Tuesday 25 September 2012

Get Into Bed by Virginia Miller

This book is a very cute depiction of a toddler that will not go to bed despite his guardians best efforts. It is a simple read for younger students and would be a good book for those who are just learning to read or struggling with their reading as there are not very many words per page and the pictures give a very good understanding of what is happening within the written text. It is also an attractive book not only for the gorgeous pictures but also as it is a relatable book because; let’s face it, how many young kids do go to bed when they are told?

The book is about a young bear cub named Bartholomew who refuses to get into bed no matter how many times his guardian, George, tells him to. After throwing a tantrum and angering George slightly, George says ‘Get into bed!’ in a loud voice. Bartholomew then gets under the covers but continues to play until he yawns and falls asleep. It was inevitable all along that Bartholomew was going to end up in bed and children will be able to relate to this story as the concept does often come up in everyday life.

This book does not really have any hidden meanings but sets up a type of mini world in which even young bears will not go to bed when asked and shows that no matter how much a child will protest they will almost always end up in bed when their parents or carers want them to go. It is however interesting if not appreciated that George is called George throughout the entire book and not given a title like dad. This means we do not know of the real relationship between Bartholomew and George. This is quite good in my opinion as it gives those children who may have step-parents or are in foster care a chance to read a book that does not assume they all have two biological parents and sometimes a guardian is called by their first name.

This book is aimed at younger children as it is a great one for learning how to read and connecting pictures to text. 

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