Tuesday 25 September 2012

Corduroy By Dan Freeman

This gorgeous picture book is about a teddy bear who comes to life after the store he is stuck in closes. He is looking for his missing button from his overalls. He searches the store thinking that the elevator is a mountain and the furniture department is a palace. Corduroy finds a button on a mattress and tries to pull it off thinking it is his, he knocks over a lamp that is on show and draws the attention of a security guard to the area. Upon finding Corduroy he places him back on his shelf where he came from. The next day, a young girl buys him with money that she has saved. All at once Corduroy realises that he has found his home and that this girl, Lisa, must be his friend.

This story is incredibly adorable and children will love the idea of a toy coming to life and searching a department store. The happy ending gives the idea that everyone has a place in the world which is a great message for students to hear and learn. This will also remind younger students of their own toys coming to life and finding a wonderful home when those students bought them or had them given to them. This book would be best suited to students in years reception to year 3, possibly older simply for how cute it is.

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