Sunday 26 August 2012

Blogalot Discussion- Week 4

This week we investigated the different text types that can be used while writing. We all brought a text type to class and discussed where we found it and whether or not this was typical or abnormal. The text type that was most prominent was procedures, as they are simply things like recipes, building instructions and other step by step pieces of writing. Another text type that we all seemed to recognise and brought in to share was a recount. A recount is a piece written in the past tense that depicts something that happened or a sequence of events. The last text type that was brought in to share was an information report. In this text type information is portrayed in an academic and factual manner, everything that is written about is proven or is based on fact.

After discussing the different text types we started to consider whether it was truly important for students to learn about these text types in school. We discussed how it was important for students to learn about the different text types but that teaching them about them could create potential for concerns. On the one hand students should know how to write in these different text types as this will assist them in writing in the future, that is, high school, university and other recreational activities. However, teaching students how to write according to these text types can in many ways squander their creativity and cause them to lose their will to write using their own imagination and rather write to suit the text type instead.

As a group we agreed on many ideas but were indifferent about others. In some ways we thought students should know about text types however we believed it would affect student’s creative writing if they felt pressured by the text types. We all agreed to different extents that it was important for students as some thought they could be well educated in writing and reading without a great knowledge of text types.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We also considered that students need to have an understanding for the ways in which they can interact with and read certain text types as being able to read procedures about how to fix your car or how to bake a cake are important everyday skills.

    Allowing students opportunities to work with a wide variety of text types including procedures, reports and recounts within the classroom provides them with the simulation of everyday life in which they will engage with these text types, especially considering the wide variety of texts on the internet. More opportunities will help them to become capable in successfully interacting with a variety of text types however explicit teaching of certain aspects of these texts seems inevitable. If it is done so in a balanced manner as not to hinder creativity or enjoyment of reading and is in context of everyday life explicit teaching of text types can seem justifiable.

  3. Agreeing with my group member I also believe that allowing studnets to be actively engaged and to understand with different text types allows for them to be more successful at interacting with the texts(and people) in everday life. Simple having an understanding of the texts, how and why they are used and even the basic structure will help a student greatly, especially in terms of procedures, reports and letters, which are texts they will encounter throughout their whole lives.

    One problem is how times consuming it is to cover all texts, and what texts are more important to be learnt. Do they all need to be learnt? I think teachers and schools will all have different views on that question, as it really is up to the individual and their beliefs.
